Sunday, February 27, 2011

More From Tallahassee's Past

We had a great time looking at old pictures of FSU, and comparing and contrasting past FSU to present FSU on Edmodo. As we continue to talk about changes in our community, I wanted to share some more pictures I found online of "old" Tallahassee. Enjoy!

 Apalachee Parkway 
(I learned this used to be referred to as the "Jacksonville Highway")
This is a view driving towards the capitol.
It looks a lot different now!

McDonald's on Tennessee St.
The "Golden Arch" does not look like that anymore!
Are my eyes deceiving me, or does that sign say hamburgers are 15 cents???
Will 15 cents buy us anything anymore?

A historic restaurant that sadly closed its doors a few years ago: The Silver Slipper.
Some of you may have had the chance to eat here before it closed. 
If so, you know the sign did not look like that when you went there!