Friday, December 10, 2010

Holiday Happenings


Please be sure to check the calendar on the left hand side of the screen for information about the many activities we have next week. We are going to be VERY busy with lots of holiday fun before we leave for break!

A few reminders: 
  • Please remember to send a packed lunch with your child on Monday for the Challenger field trip.
  • It's going to be a cold day Monday and we will be out and about in the frigid weather. Be sure to bundle up your child for the field trip!
  • Don't forget to send in the breakfast items you signed up for Thursday morning. Be on the lookout for a reminder in the agenda book at the beginning of next week.
  • On Friday, we are dressing in holiday attire for Reindeer Day. We want to really ham this up, as we are going to go caroling to our Little Buddies' classroom. We hope to surprise them! 
Finally, Mrs. Williams and I are compiling a holiday packet that will be due when we get back from break. We want to make sure the skills your children have been learning thus far in class stick with them when they return to school in January. In addition to the packet, please be sure to be working on multiplication facts with your children (flash cards are great at home and on the road) and to always have a good supply of books with your child to help build comprehension and fluency skills. The public library is a great holiday "field trip" to take your child on, as they are able to not only check out literature there, but also have full computer access (FCAT Explorer, Go Math, and Imagine It games/old tests.)

Stay tuned for updates and reminders within the next week. Pictures will be posted of all our exciting activities! 

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stuff the Stocking

We are planning to “Stuff the Stocking” this year for all of our classmates! I am asking that each student bring in a stocking to hang in class by next Wednesday, December 8th.

At our holiday party, we will exchange treats with one another. Our holiday party will be Thursday, December 16th. Your child will need to bring a small item to put in his/her classmates' stockings. We have 18 students. Please remember not to spend a lot of money on this! It can be 18 candy canes, 18 little dollar store toys that come in the large packs… nothing fancy! 

So remember, your child needs:
1.)  A stocking ( large sized : can be bought at the dollar store) (by Dec. 8th)
2.)  18 items to stuff in each stocking. ( ex: 18 candy canes or 18 pieces of gum.) (by Dec. 16th.)