Friday, November 22, 2013

Spelling Bee

I made an agreement with the class today: If as a whole we had good behavior, we could do a class spelling bee in place of their spelling test. They earned their green ticket, and on the way back from lunch, got a compliment on their line from Dr. Small, so spelling bee it was!

Everybody did a great job on this week's words, so we moved on to next story's words, which proved to be a bit more challenging. Congratulations to our winners:

From left to right: Jazmin: Second Place; Zach: First Place, and Jennifer: Third Place

Great job!

Dress For Success

Mrs. Owen's Class on Springwood in the Morning

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Dress For Success

Tomorrow is "Dress for Success" Day at Springwood! Dr. Small is asking that all students wear dress attire.

Also, don't forget your canned goods for the food drive. The website says they are due tomorrow, but Student Council is extending the deadline to Friday.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Science Review

Don't forget we have a science quiz tomorrow on animals and habitats. An email went home earlier today with specific topics that will be covered. A study sheet will go home tonight.

We had a great review today. I definitely think they are ready for tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Animals and Their Habitats

Yesterday, the class presented their science research projects. The class was to work in a group to research a habitat, as well as an animal that would live in the habitat they chose. He are a few pictures of them with their projects.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

AR Party

Students who made their AR Goals (both points and a percentage of 85% or higher) got to make a sweet treat yesterday! Check it out!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

School Happenings!

We have been VERY busy since the last time I updated the blog! We have been studying "Animals and Their Habitats" in our reading unit, and are on our LAST STORY of Unit 2. We will have one week of Junior Great Books next week, and then move into our reading unit all about "Money".

In math, we are continuing to work on multiplication skills. Our scores on our Chapter 3 test were phenomenal, and I expect the same for Chapter 4. We are looking at the different strategies that can be used to solve a multiplication problem. Although I am all for using different methods, such as arrays, pictures, number lines, etc., I would also like to see MEMORIZATION as on of our strategies as well. Knowing multiplication facts is imperative to the rest of our math curriculum, and will be an important skill for our students to possess as they continue into life.

On a side note: Congratulations to all of our students recognized at the Honor Roll Assembly this morning. I am hoping to see more students on that stage after the second nine weeks!

Just a reminder: NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY! 
Happy Veteran's Day!