Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Stockings Were Hung...

We're ready for Breakfast in PJ's and Stuff the Stocking tomorrow! Get excited!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Mystery Skype Champions!

Today, we participated in our first Mystery Skype. Mystery Skype is a competition between classes located in other areas, anywhere around the world. Our competitors happened to be located not too far from home!

We generated a series of yes or no questions for our competitors. We then used their answers to narrow down their location. We used Google Maps as our main reference, but be we also had access to traditional maps and globes.

Some examples of questions were:
"Do you live in the United States?"
"Do you have snow where you live?"
"Are you located by an ocean?"
"Do you live in the South?"

Our students learned a lot about geography, and about the regions and climates of the United States.

Our competitors were a 4th grade class in Jacksonville, FL. We guessed their location first, so we won our first Mystery Skype!!!

Pictures coming soon!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

We're Looking to Connect With Schools Around the World!

Know anybody who might be interested in connecting with our class for this project? If so, have them join our Skype lesson!