Friday, January 23, 2015

Skyping with Timor-Liste

We were very fortunate to participate in the Catlin Coral Live Education Event, which allowed us to talk to real live divers. Our diver was doing research in Timor-Liste, an island northwest of Australia. Due to the time difference, he was Skyping with us at 10:30 at night, when it was only 8:30 in the morning for us! He was on the beach, just finishing an exploration, so we got to learn all about the different sea animals he had seen, learned why the coral reef population is important, and what we can do to protect it. 

The students had fun asking him personal questions about his diving experience, and also learning new facts about a different country. It turns out Timor-Liste isn't so different from Florida. They have many of the same sea life that we find here. We found out he has had some encounters with sharks and sea snakes. We also found out the area where he was located during our chat has a very large whale population.

We are really enjoying Skype in the Classroom. It has taken us on adventures to other states, and now other countries! Stay tuned to see where we Skype next!

AR Dance Party

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Happy January!

Wow. I just realized I haven't posted since before break! We have been super busy! Last week, we had a guest speak from High Touch/High Tech give a wonderful introduction to space. We shot off a rocket, and did some hands on activities with moon rock simulations,  made the phases of the moon, and eclipses with a blow up Earth, flashlights, and a ball to represent the moon.

This week is Celebrate Literacy Week. So far we have had "Take Your Parent to School Day" (thanks to all the parents who came to visit our class Monday), Dress as You Favorite Book Character Day, and today we had students from Godby High School visit our classroom to read a story.

Finally, Mrs. Owen's homeroom was able to Skype with a class in Livermore, UK (England). We talked about what we did over the holidays. They were shocked to learn that most of us eat macaroni and cheese at our Christmas meals. We were shocked to learn that they celebrate another holiday after Christmas called, "Boxing Day". We are going to do some research on that one!

Math updates: We are completing our chapter on division (Chapter 7) on Friday, and will begin working with fractions on Tuesday. (No school on Monday!)

Rockets Launch

Making craters in moon sand.

Phases of the Moon

Creating our own moon phases.

Skyping with England

Readers from Godby

Dress as Your Favorite Book Character Day