Sunday, September 5, 2010

Two Weeks Down!

Can you believe we just completed our second week of school, and that September is already here? Time flies when you're having fun! Here is an update of what we have been doing in class!

We recently began talking about place value in math class. We are really excited to be working in our brand new textbook. We are even allowed to write in it! How cool is that???? Usernames and passwords will be going home soon so you are able to access the new math series online.

We also began our unit on "Friendship" in reading class. We heard a story about a whale and a mouse who helped each other out in hard times and became great friends. We also read a story this week about two dogs named "Rugby and Rosie." Ask your child about this story, and check out the Imagine It! website if you would like to read this story, or any of our upcoming stories. All students have usernames and passwords stapled in the front of their agenda books. Not only is our textbook online, but there are also great games on there to help build spelling, vocabulary, and grammar skills. The link to our online textbook is under the heading "Frequently Used Links" on the left hand side of this page.

Keep checking the blog for more class updates, and for pictures of your children hard at work in our classroom!