Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Classroom Updates!

Well, I got a little behind on updating the blog. Here are some things we have been up to lately!

We have been busy collecting Box Tops to help our school raise money. Don't forget to check your groceries and clip any Box Tops you see (they look like the icon above.) Once they are clipped, just send them to school! It's an easy way to help us fundraise! Box Tops are due Friday, October 29th for the school competition!

I had to post this picture. I thought this was pretty creative! Although we won't be making Big Mac pumpkins in our class, please remember to send in a mini pumpkin with your child for our party on Friday. We will do various activities with them! Also, we are still in need of party supplies, so please be sure to sign up to bring in a snack, drinks, or paper products!

Don't forget your child can get on the Imagine It! website and retake past tests for practice! We have worked through a couple of old tests during our centers, but it is always helpful to work with your child at home on these tests to improve test taking/comprehension skills. Just click the green progress reporter button once your child logs in and it will take you to a page that looks like this:

Your child can choose a test to complete. Once it is graded, you can click the green "report" tab and see your child's scores. It's a great tool to improve test scores! 

We met our Little Buddies a couple of weeks ago. Pictures are coming soon. We are just waiting on a few of our kindergarten friends to get photo permission before posting any pictures on the blog. You would be very proud of your third graders for setting such a wonderful example for our younger friends! We will meet with them again the first Friday in November.

Please remember to email me if you have any questions regarding our class.