Sunday, January 23, 2011

Our Spelling Test Surprise!

Mrs. Owen surprised the class with a special bonus word on Friday's spelling test. When the class heard the word "baby" for number 18, they all proclaimed, "That's easy!" However, when they heard the sentence to follow, they all froze. "Mrs. Owen is going to have a baby."

The room quickly filled with questions. "For real?", "Is it a boy or a girl?", "Are you going to bring it to school?", "Are we going to have a sub?"

So, let me address all of those burning questions! Yes, it is for real. Mr. Owen and I are expecting our first child. The baby is due July 18th. We will hopefully find out if it is a boy or girl at our next doctor's appointment in February, if Baby Owen will cooperate! Hopefully, there will be no need for a sub, since the baby is not due until we are on summer vacation. I told the kids I would bring him/her to school to visit, but we will have to stop by their FOURTH GRADE classes next school year!

I must say, the highlight of my day was some of the "advice" the students offered. I was told I was going to be grouchy and that I need to really get my rest. I overheard one child tell another student in his class, "We really need to take care of Mrs. Owen, now." I was told by several I need to eat... A LOT! Some of the "mother hens" of the class were planning my baby shower during recess! (They had some very interesting ideas!) A few students have named themselves uncles and aunts, and one so honestly said, "I noticed your belly had gotten bigger, but I just thought you were eating too many cheeseburgers!"

You have to love third graders!