Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our New Unit

Can you believe we are already on Unit 5 this week? It seems like this school year is flying by in front of our eyes!

Our new unit is called Communities Across Time. If you check out your child's Edmodo account ( you will see there is a poll asking if the students think their community has changed over time. We will have fun seeing what they say and using this unit as a social studies extension to research how Tallahassee and the Lake Jackson area has changed over time.

As we are all aware, FCAT is coming soon! We have completed a lot of FCAT practice together in class in both the whole class setting and in small groups settings during center time. We are now moving into more independent work with FCAT to really begin preparing for the test to come. Expect some FCAT practice pages to come home for homework, and even a few to be posted on Edmodo. We will begin taking an FCAT Practice test every Wednesday for a grade. Please be on the lookout for these to come home in the Monday Folders. Please look over these and go over them with your child. The graded tests will help give you an insight as to what types of questions your child may be struggling with, and can help you pinpoint skills you may want to work on with your child at home.