Monday, April 23, 2012

We're Back on Track!

Owen's Reading Classes: We have resumed Imagine It! We are beginning a new unit: Unit 6 Lesson 1. Our new unit is titled Storytelling.

Expect spelling words and vocabulary words to go home today (the vocab. is a homework page tonight.) Because of our field trip on Friday, we will test on Thursday of this week.

In  addition to Imagine It!, we are also studying fairy tales. We watched Beauty and the Beast on Friday, as well as Cinderella. So far, we have read The Three Little Pigs, Red Riding Hood, and The Gingerbread Boy. We have also reviewed the story "Beauty and the Beast", from our textbook in the beginning of the year. We found the story was a lot different than the Disney version of the movie!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize at the time of this post Take Your Child to Work Day was Thursday. So... we went ahead and took our test today. The students worked together on this test in groups, so it will be counted as a classwork grade! Enjoy having your children with you tomorrow!
