Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year!

Welcome back! I hope you all had a very restful break. I am very happy to see all of my wonderful students back at school and ready to learn. We have hit the ground running! We began our reading unit on space yesterday. The students are very excited about this one! They are loving all of the information they have discovered so far about our solar system, the sun, and Galileo Galilei.

A paper went home yesterday regarding a project they are to complete at home about the planets. Directions were included on the form. These projects are due January 24th.

Also, don't forget our annual Tech-get-ti Fundraising Dinner will take place  January 24th. Money from tickets purchased for this dinner benefit our school, as it helps pay for new technology such as computers, laptops, Promethean Boards, etc. Please try to attend if you are able.

Finally, next week is Celebrate Literacy Week! An email went home detailing what is happening each day. Here is a reminder!

  • Monday: Bring beach towels/blankets for a P.A.R.T.Y (Pick Anything and Read to Yourself) Weather permitting we will go outside and have some reading time. If not, we will still spread out around the classroom with our blankets/towels and read inside.

  • Tuesday: Read with Buddies. We will meet up with our Little Buddies in Mrs. Brock's class and read with them!

  • Wednesday: Book Swap/Posters. Students may bring in old books to swap for new ones. We will make posters in class illustrating our favorite books.

  • Thursday: Local celebrities will read to the class.

  • Friday: Dress as your favorite book character/Character Parade at 1:00 (parents are welcome to attend).

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