Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Getting Into the Swing of Things

I have been enjoying getting to know each of your children in the past two weeks. I can tell we are going to have a great year together.

We have started our Imagine It Unit on Friendship. Our first story is "Rugby and Rosie." We will take a test on this story Friday, along with a spelling test. Please note: Our first Imagine It Test will be a paper pencil test. All other tests throughout the year will be completed online. 

In math, we are studying place value. As you have seen on the homework, the book sometimes refers to thousands as "crates", hundreds as "boxes", tens as "stacks," and ones as "pieces". This is to help the students envision a real life example of what we are discussing. (For example I used an example of, if I ordered 100 T-Shirts, I would want my hundred T-Shirts delivered to me in a box, rather than each individual T-Shirt delivered piece by piece because it would be too many.) We have been working on different ways to express numbers, as well, and will continue to do so throughout the week, as we lead into addition with regrouping.

Please remember to check the agenda book nightly (and to sign it saying you have seen it). Your child should have his/her homework copied down in the agenda book each day so you are aware of what they are to be working on each night.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

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