Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Take Your Child To Work Day

Take Your Child To Work Day is fast approaching. I am strongly encouraging your child to participate in this event! We are currently working on an economics unit for social studies. Your children have all been assigned classroom jobs, in which they are getting "paid" for at the end of each week. They have already filled out job applications, interviewed, and have been "employed" in their positions. As we go through the unit, they will have to buy a house, buy food, and pay taxes!

Take Your Child To Work Day will be a great way for them to apply what they have been learning in class to the real world. I will assign a "Work Day Scavenger Hunt" for them to complete while they are at work with you. (If you work at home, this counts, as well).

This is one of my favorite days of the year. The students who participate always come back with great stories about what they did at work with their parents, what the learned, and they always have a new found appreciation for what you all do to provide for them.

A form will be going home regarding participation in the next few weeks. Please be on the lookout for it!

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